Every day states, districts and individual schools make policy decisions affecting instruction, school administration, and operations. Often their decisions must be based on anecdotal and incomplete information because that is all that decision-makers can access at the time. In spite of the fact that we are awash in useful digital learning applications and potentially valuable data, the systems we use to collect, manage, analyze, and report on that data are often disconnected and don’t work well together. Meanwhile, in other aspects of life beyond schools, such as shopping, healthcare, law enforcement, sports, entertainment and transportation, “smart” systems use data in extraordinarily sophisticated ways.
The goals for intelligent use of data in the education ecosystem are worthwhile. Aggregate data accumulated over years and from multiple sources can divulge trends and point the way to success for particular groups of students and/or for program evaluation. Likewise, information generated through digital learning and various applications can track a specific student’s progress over time and information can be made accessible to teachers and parents through real-time reporting tools.
News Coverage
- EdTech Magazine: Interoperability Boosts the Speed of School Communications (June 2018)
The Role of States in Supporting Data Modernization and Interoperability Throughout the Education Ecosystem
Data modernization and security practices allow educational leaders to provide accurate, secure, and timely data that can be securely exchanged, shared, and connected in order to provide instant understanding of school performance, student attendance, academic performance, or funding from multiple sources. This SETDA brief (July 2021) shares promising practices. from Wisconsin and North Dakota.
SXSW EDU Slides: Interoperability Empowering the Future
Presented at 2019 SXSW EDU by: Maureen Wentworth, Ed-Fi Alliance Jim Campbell, Common Education Data Standards Brent Engleman, CCSSO Christine Fox, SETDA
Leveraging Data for Academic Excellence
This report examines the current data interoperability efforts in nine states: Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Throughout the report, states explore the successes and challenges in making interoperable solutions where data is seamlessly connected and readily available for use by decision makers, teachers, parents, and students. This report includes […]