
Professional Learning

Community and Webinars

Teachers at TableSETDA is pleased to provide a public Title IIA Community for SEA and LEA leaders and teachers with resources to support high-quality professional learning opportunities including hosting two online communities of practice for Title IIA leaders. SETDA hosts the Title IIA Collaborative which an exclusive group for SEA level Title IIA leaders. Members meet biweekly to discussion ESSA implementation as related to Title IIA and professional learning best practices. In addition, SETDA hosts a public, Title IIA Community for both SEA and LEA Title IIA Leaders. Participation is free and open to the public. Join Public Title IIA Community: Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA today:

Teaching Online: Learn About the National Online Teaching Standards

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT

  • Presented by Christine Fox, Deputy Executive Director, SETDA; Cindy Hamblin, Director, Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance; and Sarah Warnick, Director of Products & Services, Virtual Virginia (VVA)
  • Sponsored by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Hosted by SETDA

SETDA is excited to offer this professional learning opportunity for educators to better understand how to teach online either full time or in times of remote learning. Participants will receive an introduction to the national online teaching standards and how they can support all teachers. The 2019 edition of National Standards for Quality (NSQ) Online Learning was published by the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA) and Quality Matters (QM) to provide the K-12 online and blended learning community with an updated set of openly licensed standards to help evaluate and improve online courses, teaching, and programs. There are three standard sets – Online Programs, Online Teaching, and Online Courses – and this edWebinar will focus on the Online Teaching standards. In addition, a representative from Virtual Virginia, Virginia’s statewide virtual school, will share strategies used to introduce and implement the online teaching standards within their program.

This edWebinar will be of interest to kindergarten through high school teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

Registration to attend the live presentation is limited to 1,000.


You can sign up below to receive an email with the recording link.


About the Presenters

christine fox

Christine Fox is the Deputy Executive Director for SETDA. As Deputy Executive Director, she collaborates with the Executive Director in charting strategic direction, administration, planning, and financial decisions involving SETDA. She also facilitates the members’ professional learning opportunities including planning and implementing the content for SETDA’s virtual and in-person events and newsletters. In addition, she manages many of SETDA’s research and product development projects from conception to publication. The management of such projects includes coordinating data collection from all states, supervising consultants and staff, ensuring member input, and supervising the publishing process. Recent publications and projects include Navigating the Digital Shift reports 2015- 2019, the Professional Learning and K12 Instructional Materials Dashboards, the Broadband Imperative Report Series, Guide to Quality Instructional Materials, Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States, The Broadband Imperative II: Equitable Access for Learning. Christine Fox’s background includes experience in education and consulting. She has worked as an educational consultant and curriculum developer for a national whole-school reform model, ESOL Coordinator, and 3rd-grade teacher. Christine has a Masters of Science in Teaching English as a Second Language from Florida International University and received her Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida State University. She lives in South Florida with her husband and two daughters.

Cindy HamblinCindy Hamblin is the director of the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA). The VLLA is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization that brings together leaders from online learning programs in the U.S. to strengthen virtual education. Cindy was the director of the Illinois Virtual School from 2009-2018 where she provided oversight of the quality of online courses, instructors, and services to students. Cindy joined the VLLA with 26 years of experience in educational technology.

Sarah WarnickSarah Warnick is the director of products and services with Virtual Virginia (VVA), where she oversees curriculum development, the VVA Outreach Program, and professional learning. A Virginia educator with 20 years of experience both in the classroom and online, Sarah has worked to expand access to high-quality online learning experiences for educators and students across the Commonwealth. In her current role, Sarah co-chaired a committee to revise the National Standards for Quality Online Learning (NSQOL) in Teaching, and she has worked closely with VVA faculty to embed the NSQOL in teaching and course design practices. Sarah enjoys working with Virginia school division leaders to determine how VVA programs may assist with their unique instructional challenges through online courses, digital content, and training. A former Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays grant recipient, Sarah holds a B.A. in English and Spanish from the University of Richmond and an M.A. in Spanish from the University of Virginia.

Learn and Share: Best Practices for Professional Learning (August 2019)

Learn and Share: Best Practices for Professional Learning

View more informationwebinar recording and resources.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm EDT

  • Presented by Mary Ann Wolf, Ph.D., Director of the Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative, The Friday Institute at NC State University
  • Hosted by Christine Fox, Deputy Executive Director, SETDA
  • Hosted by SETDA
  • Sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Reflection IconIn this edWebinar, you will hear from experts in the field regarding best practices for professional learning opportunities and share your own examples of quality professional learning experiences. In addition, this edWebinar will highlight a new online community, Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA. The community is a free professional learning community that supports the effective implementation of the federal Title IIA program. There will be time to have your questions answered at the end of the presentation.

This edWebinar will be of interest to coaches, administrators, professional learning coordinators, Title IIA leaders, and teachers. There will be time to get your questions answered at the end of the presentation.

About the Presenter

Mary Ann Wolf headshotMary Ann Wolf, Ph.D. has 15 years of experience in education and education technology. Mary Ann has worked closely with federal, state, and local education leaders; policymakers; and organizations on connecting policy and practice for innovative education reform, digital learning and instructional practices. She developed and co-facilitated the Digital Learning Transition MOOC for Educators through the Friday Institute at NC State University and the Alliance for Excellent Education. She is also the lead researcher on the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Project Tomorrow Teachers’ Readiness to Adopt and Adapt Content (TRAAC) project, which includes in-person and virtual focus groups with education leaders and teachers. Previously, Mary Ann was the Executive Director of the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA). In this position, she worked with educators in all 50 states and with policymakers to share data and models of how to improve education to ensure America’s and our students’ competitiveness in the global economy. Mary Ann has a Ph.D. in education from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree in elementary education from The George Washington University, and a bachelor’s in accounting and marketing from Georgetown University.

About the Host

Christine Fox headshotChristine Fox is the deputy executive director for SETDA. As Deputy Executive Director, she collaborates with the executive director in charting strategic direction, administration, planning and financial decisions involving SETDA. She also facilitates the members’ professional learning opportunities including planning and implementing the content for SETDA’s virtual and in-person events and newsletters. In addition, she manages many of SETDA’s research and product development projects from conception to publication. The management of such projects includes coordinating data collection from all states, supervising consultants and staff, ensuring member input and supervising the publishing process. Recent publications and projects include Navigating the Digital Shift, Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States, OER Case Studies: Implementation in Action, The Broadband Imperative and From Data to Information. Christine’s background includes experience in education and consulting. She has worked as an educational consultant and curriculum developer for a national whole school reform model, ESOL coordinator and 3rd grade teacher. Christine has a Master of Science in teaching English as a second language from Florida International University and received her bachelor’s degree in English literature from Florida State University.

The edWebinar recording will be posted to this page the day after the presentation.

Join and Post Comments/Questions – Join the Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA community to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, and view recordings of previous programs to earn CE certificates.

Evidence-Based Practices for Student Success (August 2019)

Professional Learning in Action: Evidence-Based Practices for Student Success

View webinar recording and resources.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm EDT

  • Presented by Candice Dodson, Executive Director, SETDA;
  • and Heather Boughton, Ph.D., Director of the Office of Research, Evaluation & Advanced Analytics, Ohio Department of Education;
  • and Diane A. Neal, Ph.D., Assistant Director, State Coordinator Rural Education Achievement Program, Office of Federal Programs
  • Hosted by SETDA
  • Sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

print to digital imageIn this edWebinar, you’ll learn from Ohio Department of Education leaders about the state’s perspective on the use of evidence to support professional learning opportunities at the state level, in districts and in schools. You’ll also see an overview of Ohio’s Evidence-Based Clearinghouse, and how the department aims to continue developing resources on the use of evidence-based strategies, practices and programs. In addition, this presentation will highlight the free online professional learning community, Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA. The community supports the effective implementation of the federal Title IIA program.

This edWebinar will be of interest to coaches, administrators, professional learning coordinators, Title IIA leaders, and teachers. There will be time to get your questions answered at the end of the presentation.

About the Presenters

blonde female in black blazer

Candice Dodson is the executive director for the State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA). Prior to joining the team at SETDA, she served as the director of eLearning for the Indiana Department of Education. In that role, Candice focused on advancing and expanding Indiana’s efforts to take advantage of technology to improve student outcomes. She and her eLearning team worked to boost the state’s efforts to connect Indiana to great ideas in educational technology, virtual and online learning, and new learning models and instructional practices. Her strategic work included the formation of an eLearning Leadership Cadre, statewide professional development opportunities including the Summer of eLearning conferences, Admin Academies, and digital learning grants, and resources and training to support digital learning. Prior to the Indiana Department of Education, Candice had 20 years of experience in a variety of roles from elementary teacher, media specialist, and high ability educator to curriculum and technology integration specialist, central office administrator, and assistant principal. Candice’s most recent work prior to the IDOE centered on the implementation of a 6-12 one-to-one initiative, the development of leadership programs for district administrators, and expansion of professional development programs. Candice has previously represented Indiana on the Board of Directors of SETDA, and the HECC (Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators) Board. Candice continues to serve on the Indiana University School of Education Alumni Board of Directors. She has presented, in Indiana and nationally, various sessions and talks on leadership in the digital age.

Heather Boughton head shotHeather Boughton, Ph.D. is the director of the office of research, evaluation & advanced analytics at the Ohio Department of Education. In this role, Heather is responsible for leading the development of the department’s Learning Agendas, as well as the state’s Empowered by Evidence Initiative. Heather is an alumna of the Strategic Data Project, a fellowship program in Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research. She currently represents Ohio in the Results for America State Education Fellowship. Heather received her Ph.D. in sociology from The Ohio State University, where she studied the intersection of inequality and education.

Diane Neal head shotDiane Neal, Ph.D. has 34 years’ experience in education. Retiring after 30 years in public education, Diane joined the Ohio Department of Education Office of Federal Programs. Today, she is the assistant director in the Office of Federal Programs. Diane’s experience includes teaching grades K-9, principal in grades K-12, and a federal programs director for a public-school district. Diane has over 19 years’ experience working in federal programs. Today, Diane will share Ohio’s approach to evidence-based intervention and improvement strategies during district’s compliance monitoring process.

The edWebinar recording will be posted to this page the day after the presentation.

Join and Post Comments/Questions – Join the Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA community to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, and view recordings of previous programs to earn CE certificates.

Moving from Lemon to Luxury (May 2019)

Moving from Lemon to Luxury: Navigating Title II, Part A in 2019

Access resources here.

Thursday, May 23, 2019 @ 4:00 pm EDT

  • Presented by Christine Fox, Deputy Executive Director, SETDA; and
  • Carly Covic Ambler, Program Manager, Title II, Part A, Georgia Department of Education
  • Hosted by SETDA
  • Sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


It seems like ESSA has more titles than a car dealership. This edWebinar will pop the hood and examine the purpose and possibilities of Title II, Part A for states and districts across the country. Carly Covic Ambler from the Georgia Department of Education will showcase how they leverage Title IIA and further discuss how technology is leveraged to support professional learning across the state. In addition, this presentation will serve as the public launch of the new online community, Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA.

This edWebinar will be of particular benefit to administrators, Title IIA district and state leaders, school board members, instructional coaches, professional development leads, and teachers. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

About the Presenters

Christine Fox headshotChristine Fox is the deputy executive director for SETDA. As Deputy Executive Director, she collaborates with the executive director in charting strategic direction, administration, planning and financial decisions involving SETDA. She also facilitates the members’ professional learning opportunities including planning and implementing the content for SETDA’s virtual and in-person events and newsletters. In addition, she manages many of SETDA’s research and product development projects from conception to publication. The management of such projects includes coordinating data collection from all states, supervising consultants and staff, ensuring member input and supervising the publishing process. Recent publications and projects include Navigating the Digital Shift, Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States, OER Case Studies: Implementation in Action, The Broadband Imperative and From Data to Information. Christine’s background includes experience in education and consulting. She has worked as an educational consultant and curriculum developer for a national whole school reform model, ESOL coordinator and 3rd grade teacher. Christine has a Masters of Science in teaching English as a second language from Florida International University and received her bachelor’s degree in English literature from Florida State University.

Carly Ambler headshotA 16-year educator, Carly Covic Ambler has spent the last seven years with the Georgia Department of Education. She currently serves as Federal Programs Senior Manager, overseeing Title II, Part A and providing support to the state ombudsman and the GaDOE Consolidation of Funds initiative. Carly is a graduate of Agnes Scott College, earning a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in teaching English at a secondary level. She completed her specialist in educational leadership with Berry College and has been working on and off with various grants for 20 years. While Carly’s first love is teaching high school English, most of her career as an educator has been focused on school improvement and professional learning. She has presented her work with school improvement across the country. Carly lives in Decatur, GA, a suburb of Atlanta, with her husband, Joe, daughters, May and Ava. She loves reading, watching movies, traveling and cheering on her girls at soccer games.

Join and Post Comments/Questions – Online Community: Join the Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA community to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, and view recordings of previous programs to earn CE certificates.

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