Digital Content
Policy Briefs
Building on SETDA’s 2012 groundbreaking report, Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age, SETDA launched a series of policy briefs focused on various topics to support state, districts and policy makers as they move from print to digital. These policy briefs were developed to assist states in identifying and implementing additional policies and practices for keeping the digital content transition on track and on target. Current briefs focus on the topics of:
- accessibility of learning content for all students, including students with disabilities
- clarifying the ownership of teacher-created digital content
- ensuring the quality of digital content for learning
The goals of these policy briefs are to:
- raise awareness of the instructional and economic advantages of digital OER in the context of other state level college and career ready reforms, including providing examples of successful implementation
- promote national information sharing, magnify policy and practice success stories, encourage common messaging
- help key state leaders to identify and implement OER policies, regulations and practices supportive of their efforts to promote college ready knowledge

- Clarifying Ownership of Teacher-Created Digital Content Empowers Educators to Personalize Education, Address Individual Student Needs
- Ensuring the Quality of Digital Content for Learning
- Out of Print Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in the Digital Age
- The Accessibility of Learning Content for All Students, Including Students with Disabilities, Must Be Addressed in the Shift to Digital Instructional Materials