
Taking action on important issues facing public education

SETDA members have a long and remarkable history of sharing best practices and collaborating across state lines to address both internal state priorities and national needs. While every state has a unique context, all states face similar policy and practice issues related to the use of technology in education. The SETDA strategic plan asserts that SETDA has a unique “…role in leading the transformation of education through a focus on the dynamic interrelationship of effective federal, state and local education and technology policies and practices.” With the help of our strategic partners and other national experts, SETDA and our members conduct in-depth analyses into and make recommendations about how best states and districts can manage and accelerate public education’s inexorable ‘shift to digital’ and in so doing improve educational outcomes for all students.

  • Equity of Access

    With technology, equity of access now includes access to devices to use digital content and connect to fellow students, educators and experts throughout the world as well as sufficient high-speed broadband to the classroom and the home.

  • Digital Content

    Armed with a cost-effective computing device, students can have access to up-to-date, engaging, flexible content that can be adapted to students’ needs, if and only if the content is digital.

  • Interoperability

    Aggregate data accumulated over years and from multiple sources can divulge trends and point the way to success for particular groups of students and/or for program evaluation, but only if it is interoperable.

  • Professional Learning

    Sustainable professional learning models, geared specifically to support teachers in student centered, digital learning environments can positively impact the teaching and learning experiences.

  • Digital Learning

    The Guide to Implementing Digital Learning (GIDL) is a free web-based resource to support school and district leaders as they work to ensure that investments in digital learning spark positive results.

  • Resources

    Insights and research from SETDA and other educational and research orrganizations, for our members and the public.

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