This guest blog post was written by SETDA partner, Patrick Cook, Account Executive, UPD Consulting. Why do we do what we do? Is it the best way to achieve our desired outcomes? How do we know? Innovation drives improvement. It begins with good fundamentals that are affirmed through a process of discovery and intentional design. UPD is […]
Posts from category
Modernization through Innovation: Increasing Capability through Systems, Processes, and People
May 27th, 2020 by Guest -
Framing the Evidence: Democratizing Ed Tech
March 2nd, 2020 by GuestThis guest blog post was written by Doug Casey, Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology Introduction Imagine a breakthrough therapy that promised to improve the condition of millions of children across the country. Access to the treatment would come through scientific, research-based trials in partnership with flagship research institutes. This may sound promising, but what if […]
The Value of Efficacy Research from Multiple Perspectives
December 4th, 2019 by GuestThis is a guest post written by Dr. Kari Stubbs, Vice President, Learning and Innovation at BrainPOP. BrainPOP is a SETDA annual Gold Partner. BrainPOP was honored to partner with SETDA last month for a membership webinar on the value of efficacy research from multiple perspectives. Joining us for the conversation was Missy Greene (SETDA), DeLilah […]
State Examplars: How are states demonstrating leadership in digital learning ?
June 19th, 2015 bySETDA and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University College of Education recently co-released the national report, State Digital Learning Exemplars: Highlights from states leading change through policies and funding. Both organizations are eager to share examples of states, districts and schools that are making investments in devices, bandwidth, networking, training and […]
Roadmap Supports building Digital Learning Environments
May 25th, 2015 by Christine FoxCable Impacts, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and SETDA collaborated to develop the Building Your Roadmap to 21st Century Learning Environments, The Roadmap is a resource created specifically for school leaders, designed to them help craft a holistic strategy to create 21st century learning environments – classrooms where, in addition to traditional […]
Hawaii’s Access Learning 1:1 Pilot – Year One Successes
September 3rd, 2014 by guestuserAnother in an occasional series of guest posts, we are pleased to feature the work and voices of SETDA members. Today’s post comes from Stephanie Shipton, currently serving as an Institutional Analyst in the Office of Strategic Reform at the Hawaii Department of Education. Across the country, schools are starting to implement 1:1 initiatives. In […]
Idaho Technology Pilot Project
August 13th, 2014 by guestuserAnother in an occasional series of guest posts, we are pleased to feature the work and voices of SETDA members. Today’s post comes from Alex MacDonald currently serving educators across Idaho as the Director of Instructional Technology at the Idaho State Department of Education. Over the past two years, the Idaho Legislature has appropriated $6 […]
Report of the Task Force on Learning and the Internet
June 17th, 2014 byToday, the non-partisan Aspen Institute Task Force on Learning and the Internet is issuing its report, Learner at the Center of a Networked World, based on a year’s worth of deliberations, research, and outreach (a live webcast of the event can be viewed at 3:30pm ET today at: The 100+ page report offers a wealth […]
NAEP: Students Who Use Computers More Frequently Score Higher (Part 2)
May 1st, 2014 byIn 2011, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) administered the first large-scale computer-based assessment in writing. In a previous post, we shared that students who had greater access to technology in and out of school and had teachers that required its use for school assignments, used technology in more powerful ways to write and […]
NAEP: Students Who Use Computers More Frequently Score Higher (Part 1)
April 10th, 2014 byIn 2011, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) administered the first large-scale computer-based assessment in writing. The assessment tasks reflected writing situations common to both academic and workplace settings and asked students to write for several purposes and communicate to different audiences. National results for representative samples of students at grades 8 and 12 […]