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State Examplars: How are states demonstrating leadership in digital learning ?

“Alabama is honored to be featured in SETDA’s Digital Learning Exemplars paper as helping to lead the way in digital transformation due to work already underway.”

Dr. Tommy Bice, State Superintendent of Education, Alabama

“This paper provides collaborative expertise and shared state examples that will benefit educators throughout the state.”

Glenda Ritz, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Indiana

SETDA_FI_Paper_cover_small[1]SETDA and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University College of Education recently co-released the national report, State Digital Learning Exemplars: Highlights from states leading change through policies and funding. Both organizations are eager to share examples of states, districts and schools that are making investments in devices, bandwidth, networking, training and especially digital content to further engage and align k-12 student learning with expectations for college and careers.

The report provides details of the elements of digital learning leadership, highlights exemplar states that have shown progress in all elements and provides examples of their progress. Other states that have made positive steps forward in one or more elements are also highlighted.

This paper provides examples of states with policies in support of five key elements:

  • On-going funding streams and policies that support innovation;
  • Availability, promotion and use of digital content;
  • Development of human capacity to effectively use digital resources in the learning;
  • Well planned network infrastructure that facilitates access;
  • Use of data for decision making while protecting student privacy.

The primary audience for State Digital Learning Exemplars is senior leadership at the state level for whom the report can provide:

  • guidance to help create a statewide vision and plan for digital learning;
  • examples of other states current practices that could be adapted to support a states vision and plan;
  • affirmation that part/or all of a states approach has been successfully implemented in other states.

Leaders can use the five elements and state exemplars in discussions with legislators, boards of education, colleagues, district leaders and staff, constituencies and the press to help each better understand the states vision and plan for digital learning, build by-in and support and most importantly – lay the groundwork for increased student learning opportunities.

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