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VA Beyond Textbooks: Year One Report

Note: Doug Levin, SETDA executive director, is guest-posting this blog.

In November 2009, the Virginia Department of Education launched a project to explore the implications of introducing traditional textbook alternatives into classrooms. In the 18 months since the launch, Beyond Textbooks has scrutinized cost-effective models that blend the vetted standards-based content and convenience of traditional textbooks with the engaging, dynamic, up-to-date content and resources afforded by the Web.

The goals of the pilot project have been to understand:

  • How digital instructional materials can be used most effectively to increase student engagement and educational outcomes and to improve teacher practice;
  • The conditions necessary for delivering high-quality instructional materials for a lower investment; and
  • The technical, social, and policy implications of replacing traditional textbooks with digital alternatives.

While the authors of the Virginia study correctly point out that the effort is only a pilot, increased student independence and increased engagement were noted by students and teachers. And, researchers observed that the students’ comfort levels with the e-books allowed teachers more freedom to become facilitators of learning.

The year one report [PDF] is well worth a close read and is a solid contribution to our emerging understanding of the ongoing shift from print to digital and open.

Comments (1)

  • John Sonnenberg


    Interesting to see the difference between elementary and high school students. At high school they are already programed to use textbooks and thus more comfortable.

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