Lesson-Sharing Sites Raise Issues of Ownership, Use

This article discusses lesson-sharing sites, key sources for common-core related PD, and the issues with ownership. “Say you’re a teacher and you’ve created a bang-up lesson on how to teach fractions on the number line. Everyone in the faculty room loves it. Fellow teachers are begging for copies. Your principal suggests you post it online for others to use…”

Online Communities of Practice: What Works

Four leaders of successful community of practice (COP) education initiatives participated in a panel at FETC and shared their knowledge about and experience with best practices for online communities of education practitioners. This article is an excerpt of the discussion.


LearnPort serves all members of Michigan’s educational community, including faculty, administrators and staff in schools, affiliated professional organizations, and college and university education students and their teacher education faculty, as well as guests and collaborating users by providing high-quality online professional development, collaboration spaces and other resources for the education community.

Intel’s Teacher Engage Community (sponsored resource)

This online community provides ongoing support for teachers as they implement new teaching practices by connecting educators who implement technology into their classrooms and promoting student-centered approaches. It offers 21st century classroom resources, online courses, and active dialogue within a global network.

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