On June 30, we released our latest research brief, Open Educational Resources: State Policies and Practices, highlighting current state trends, legislation, and recommended best practices to support states in their adoption, development, and curation of OER. Download the research brief here.
Selecting and purchasing education technology (ed tech) products that are accessible to students with disabilities requires engaging a variety of stakeholders throughout the five-phase process described in our original guidance on procurement (June 2019).
During the rapid transition to distance learning in response to COVID-19, decisions were made quickly to keep staff and students safe and healthy, educate students remotely, and finish the school year amid the crisis. As planning for the next school year begins, leaders and educators can use this opportunity to make more strategic decisions about ed tech that are inclusive and designed to benefit all learners, including those with disabilities.
Just launched! – SETDA’s Coalition for eLearning, with support and resources for states and districts ramping up for virtual learning opportunities. Visit http://coalitions.setda.org/elearning
The power of SETDA is in collective action. SETDA represents the collective capacity and resources of digital learning leaders from all U.S. states and territories, as well as affiliate members and private sector partners. SETDA Coalitions are examples of how leaders can focus a powerful network of policy makers, influencers, and thought leaders to produce solutions on a national scale.
Resources for school districts include:
Rationale and research on why limiting disruption to learning opportunities is critical
Communication tools for state, district and school stakeholders
Access to partner solutions: an aggregation of free or reduced-price solutions including content, online tools, broadband/device access and webinar tools
Examples of state and district policies for eLearning days
District pilot examples from at least three states
The Professional Learning Practices Dashboard includes examples of professional learning to support digital learning, personalized learning, quality materials and leadership. The professional learning resources can be sorted by state, goal, delivery method and/or funding source.
SETDA expands upon the recent State K12 Instructional Materials Leadership Trends Snapshot and the 2018 Navigating the Digital Shift report with a focus on the opportunity digital instructional materials provide to support personalized learning opportunities for all learners and considerations related to the essential conditions and professional learning opportunities to support digital learning. Stakeholders will learn about state level leadership
Updated in 2019 (originally launched in October 2015), the goal of the DMAPS portal is to provide a clear picture of each state’s instructional materials policies and practices to help encourage increased implementation of digital learning. Educators, policy makers and private sector executives have the opportunity to learn about state policies and practices related to digital learning, instructional materials, procurement, and professional learning.