Broadband State Leadership 2019
SETDA’s report, State K-12 Broadband Leadership: Driving Connectivity, Access and Student Success highlights the importance of state leadership and the various ways states strive to support districts and schools to achieve equitable digital learning opportunities for all students both on campus and outside of school.
State K12 Instructional Materials Leadership Trend Snapshot
SETDA Resources 2018
E-rate Overview Document
Transformative Digital Learning: A Guide to Implementation
SETDA developed professional learning resources to help build state-level capacity for the transition to digital learning. The online tool includes a set of professional learning resources, known as facilitator guides to provide customized support and training and a set of stakeholder communication toolkits.
State Wi-Fi Leadership for Fostering Digital Learning Ready K-12 Schools
This paper explores the steps states are taking to address the wireless equity gaps that exist among their schools. Leaders from Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Utah outline the planning, policy, funding, and management approaches their state agencies and education technology leaders are adopting regarding Wi-Fi, and they share their recommendations for promoting and/or creating equitable access opportunities to high-quality Wi-Fi connectivity.