Case Study 2012: Texas
Case Study 2012: South Dakota
Case Study 2012: Nevada
Case Study 2012: Alaska
Texas TIP – TAPP Overview
In 2003, ED awarded $15 million in multi-year, evaluation grants to 9 states, including Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The studies conducted scientifically-based research on how technology impacts student achievement in elementary and secondary education. Final reports were published in 2007.
The Technology Immersion Pilot (TIP), is a one to one initiative supported by extensive on-going professional development for teachers and administrators. Miiddle schools implementing the program demonstrated that discipline referrals went down by over ½ with the changes in teaching and learning; while in one school, 6th grade standardized math scores increased by 5%, 7th grade by 42%, and 8th grade by 24%.
Wisconsin – TAPP Overvew
In 2003, ED awarded $15 million in multi-year, evaluation grants to 9 states, including Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The studies conducted scientifically-based research on how technology impacts student achievement in elementary and secondary education. Final reports were published in 2007.
Wisconsin took part in the “Wisconsin Proposal to Study the Effectiveness of Two Models of Implementing Educational Technology” in order to evaluate the impact of using technology within two constructivist models when implemented by teachers teaching seventh and eighth grade science and social studies. The study found that, in general, the teachers indicated moderate levels of computer and technology use with some significant differences over time and between the control and experimental groups.
West Virginia – Ed Pace Online Second Language Course – TAPP Overview
In 2003, ED awarded $15 million in multi-year, evaluation grants to 9 states, including Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The studies conducted scientifically-based research on how technology impacts student achievement in elementary and secondary education. Final reports were published in 2007.
In West Virginia, EdPace provided students with an online course for second language instruction. This online course was managed by a certified instructor and on-site support staff. Students receiving access to on-line foreign language courses performed at least as well as those in face-to-face versions of the classes, providing comparable high quality instruction for those in rural areas who otherwise would not have access to such course.
West Virginia Technology Model School – TAPP Overview
In 2003, ED awarded $15 million in multi-year, evaluation grants to 9 states, including Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The studies conducted scientifically-based research on how technology impacts student achievement in elementary and secondary education. Final reports were published in 2007.
The West Virginia Department of Education established the Technology Model School (TMS) initiative which is designed so that all teachers and administrators will be proficient in the implementation, use, and integration of technology. The program’s focus is on having a Technology Integration Specialist (TIS) in a school(s) who will provide and/or coordinate appropriate professional development activities for all teachers and administrators.
Tennessee EdTech Launch – TAPP Overview
In 2003, ED awarded $15 million in multi-year, evaluation grants to 9 states, including Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The studies conducted scientifically-based research on how technology impacts student achievement in elementary and secondary education. Final reports were published in 2007.
The Tennessee EdTech Launch (TnETL) program provided full-time, on-site technology coaches to prepare teachers to create and implement lessons that engage students in critical thinking and to promote the use of computers as tools in order to increase learning. The TnETL program demonstrated progress in changing school culture to benefit students through the use of technology.