
For Immediate Release


Tracy S. Weeks, Ph.D.
Executive Director
202-715-6636 x700
[email protected]

SETDA Releases Navigating the Digital Shift II:
Implementing Digital Instructional Materials for Learning

State Leadership, Acquisition Policies, Accessibility and Equity of Access Transform Learning in the Digital Age

June 26, 2017 (Washington, D.C.) – SETDA, the principal membership association of the U.S. state and territorial educational technology leaders, today announced the launch of Navigating the Digital Shift II: Implementing Digital Instructional Materials for Learning report. As states and districts shift to implement digital instructional materials, the report provides information and guidance on state acquisition and procurement policies, accessibility policies, selection and curation processes and funding practices.

“Shifting from print to digital instructional materials is so much more than simply creating a PDF of a print material. Going digital allows state leaders to address a variety of students needs such as personalization, accessibility, and equity for all students,” Dr. Tracy S. Weeks, Executive Director, SETDA.

SETDA’s research reveals that federal and state policies are increasingly supporting the shift to digital. States are providing guidance, definitions and vetting policies and practices for digital materials to help ensure that digital materials are available to learners via devices anywhere, anytime.

“Transforming our classrooms for learning in the digital age requires strong leadership at the state, district, and school level. We must successfully move to personalized learning models that can meet the individual needs of each student. This resource examines the shifts necessary in a variety of leadership roles including instruction, procurement, and infrastructure,” Mark Johnson, North Carolina Superintendent of the of Public Instruction.

“Momentum is gaining in Wyoming as the power and potential of digital learning is realized. As state policymakers and educators strive to integrate digital learning into every classroom, we must never forget that access is only one part of the equation; quality content is the other. Wyoming is deliberately focused on access and quality as part of our effort to close the equity gap.” Jillian Balow, Wyoming’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Full Report and Overview Document Available here:

Complementing this paper is the updated Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States (DMAPS) online portal, which provides full profiles for each state’s instructional materials policies and practices and an interactive map to view national trends. The DMAPS site is available here:

In addition, SETDA hosts the Essential Elements for Digital Content, a free online community to encourage dialogue about the shift to digital including the vetting process, accessibility, professional learning, OER, procurement, implementation and infrastructure.


Founded in 2001, the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) is the principal non-profit membership association representing U.S. state and territorial educational technology leaders. Our mission is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. For more information, please visit:


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