Student Voices Previous Winners
SETDA’s Student Voices Award honors an outstanding K-12 school or district that has leveraged technology to dramatically improve the educational experiences and achievement of their students. Winners receive the Elsie Brumback “From Honored Founder to Future Citizen” Scholarship, which allows the winner to bring a team of students and educators to attend the annual SETDA Leadership Summit and tour Washington DC. SETDA also profiles the winning school/district at the Summit through presentations delivered by their students on stage in front of state and national education leaders.
2019 Winner – Mineola Middle School, New York
At Mineola Middle School (MMS), it is a fundamental belief that students learn in different ways and it is the school’s responsibility to craft lessons and activities that allow each student an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in engaging ways. Curriculum is delivered through the use of multimedia based text sets, resources that appeal to different learning styles and technological platforms that allow for deliberate skills-based practice. Recently, via a STEM Competition, students designed a prototype of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Expansion Project In this way, differentiation affords all students an opportunity to access the content. Student choice is embedded when students apply their knowledge to curriculum-based projects. Having fully integrated technology into each classroom since 2010, teachers and administrators are committed to transforming student academic experiences through opportunities for creativity, critical thinking, communication of ideas and collaboration with peers. Teachers leverage instructional technologies to build upon student growth areas, enhance strengths and provide a personalized learning experience for each child according to curriculum content and standards.
Program URL Video Sample
Access the archive from the December 17 webinar, Empower Student Voices with Design Thinking, presented by Michael P. Nagler, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, Mineola Public Schools and Andrew Casale, Principal, Mineola Middle School.
Student Voices 2018 Winner ~ St. Albans City School, Vermont
St. Albans City School staff and students with U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos
Video Link: The Students of St. Albans Presentation
St. Albans City School has been a one to one school, immersed in digital based, project-based learning for several years now. The latest initiative was a schoolwide, PreK to 8th grade, project-based learning unit around Economics, Community, and Business. Each team in the school was in charge of creating their own business with the following expectations: Business Plan, Safety Plan, Product, Packaging, Product Story, Logo, Jingle, Commercial, and a storefront. The school hosted a community night so families would be able to buy local student made gifts and most groups donated part of their proceeds to locale non-profits. Two groups sought to raise awareness around local environmental issues such as the pollution in St. Albans Bay and taking care of the local wetlands. Every team utilized digital tools to plan and execute their project and each group used the school’s Makerspace for at least one part of their project. Students even developed the project website. Most importantly, students are learning how to take the same skills they learned during this project and apply them in new ways to various content areas. St. Albans City School prides itself on the ability to provide a personalized learning experience for its students. Every student leaves with an electronic personalized learning plan that connects their learning to the state standards. Artifacts of learning can be anywhere from written work, to audio files, video files, and picture evidence. The high school has adapted the personalized learning plans to match the K-8 plans. Thank you to AT&T Aspire for underwriting the Student Voices 2018.
2018 Student Voices Presentation
SETDA Says blog post by guest author Grace Borst “Vermont Teachers Share Reflections from the Student Voices Experiences”
Student Voices in the News
- Using Makerspaces to Support Personalized Learning
- Five ways makerspaces can support classroom learning
- St. Albans Messenger: Accepting the SETDA Student Voices Award
- St. Albans Messenger: City school wins national award
- St. Albans Messenger: SETDA Student Voices Award Webinar
2017 Student Voices Winner
Utah Mountain Heights Academy is an online, public charter school using innovative technology, service learning, student-centered instruction and personal responsibility to empower students to succeed.Each student is provided with a laptop computer and a pen tablet to facilitate digital inking and annotating in our one to one high-tech environment. Mountain Heights is the first secondary school worldwide to develop its own curriculum as open source content, teach through, and publicly release it so that all schools and teachers can leverage this content. Teachers invite students to participate in the instructional design process on a voluntary basis, leaving a legacy with the school that endures past their time as students.The school is the highest rated online school in Utah based on graduation rate with an 11 point gain in 2016, state test scores above the state average in English and Science, ACT scores above the state average, and course completion rates at 82% versus 40-50% for other online schools in Utah.
- Mountain Heights Academy Works for Me Video
- SETDA 2017 “Operation Bee” Presentation
- Announcement Press Release
- Event Press Release
Student Voices 2017 Award Introduction
Christine Fox, Deputy Executive Director
Dr. Lisa R. Ramírez, U.S. Department of Education
Student Presentation
2017 Finalists
- Wilder School District, Idaho
- Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium & Keweenaw, Michigan
- Mountain Heights Academy, Utah
- Sheridan County School District #2 and Laramie County School District #1, Wyoming
Northfield Community Middle School, NJ (2016)
New Jersey Northfield Community Middle School, New Jersey (2016)
Winner: New Jersey Northfield Community Middle School
Northfield Community Middle School has completely redesigned their school setting to invite innovative learning anywhere and anytime. Modeled from the d. School at Stanford University, the school implemented new furniture, whiteboards, bikes, turtles, and more. The school’s manifesto is “Becoming Life Ready”. As part of their project based learning program, students and teachers develop 3D prosthetic hands for children of need, design video games from books for children, work with those in need from the community, and other activities that serve a purpose. The school implemented a gamified Learning Management System that allows students to control their own pace of learning during the course of the year which supports personalized learning, digital citizenship, coding, Google apps, computer aided design, digital storytelling, and design process/thinking. Overall, this school has been transformed to a new digital learning environment that provides hands-on experiences for all learners.
2016 Finalists
Learn more about all of the finalists here.
Math Science Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt High School, CA (2015)
2015 Student Voices Winner
In 2018, the Math Science Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt High School located in California received the ESRI Making a Difference Award. Watch the students’ video now.
In 2013, the Math Science Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt High School located in Los Angeles, California, launched a 1:1 program for students in grades 10-11-12. Through a cross-curricular social justice community research project, students collected and analyzed data using geographic information systems (GIS). Students learned to become skilled in research, decision-making, and communication, relying on devices to maximize both engagement and impact. Recent topics include domestic violence, gentrification, wage discrimination, public gardens, education inequity, art versus advertising. Students present their research project to the school, the community, and audiences beyond. Many of these students are the first in their families to confess a plan to go to college, some the first to graduate from high school.
Madison Consolidated High School, Indiana (2014)
Madison Consolidated High School in rural Madison, Indiana transformed educational practices by placing a device in every student’s hand and transitioning to digital content. To address the need to teach student media literacy and digital citizenship, the school created the student led, Madison Digital Leadership Team. Madison’s Digital Leadership program provides the opportunity for participants to create digital content focused on digital citizenship, focused on the importance of the students’ responsibilities to use technology for good and to enhance learning. The Digital Leadership Team members typically meet virtually and exclusively outside of the traditional school day, although the students do receive course credit. The students blog about the program and the content will be made available to teachers and students across the nation at no cost. Learn more on the Indiana Student eLeadership blog.
Beaverton School District, Oregon (2013)
Student Source Program, Raleigh Hills K-8 School, Beaverton School District, Oregon
Students from Beaverton provided an interactive presentation sharing how their learning environment was reimagined at Raleigh Hills utilizing technology and highlighting, StudentSource, a games-based, interactive learning program. This program provides nearly 20,000 elementary students an environment where they are given autonomy and the opportunity for mastery and purpose at their own pace. Students are “the source” for other students. They develop learning modules by choosing a learning standard and developing a set of games and resources related to the standard. The modulea are published on StudentSource, a public website. StudentSource pages have been visited over 4 million times by students and parents in the Beaverton School District and beyond.
Janesville, Wisconsin (2012)
The School District Janesville and Parker were highlighted at the Student Voices Luncheon at the SETDA Leadership Summit on October 15, 2012 in Washington, DC. Selected from entries from across the United States, the Janesville nomination, written by Kathy Boguszewski and Kathy White and supported by district administration, featured the use of UDL and assistive technology to demonstrate how teaching and learning have been transformed to best meet the needs of each student through the integration of technology.
You can view the video here:
Archived Winners
Yarmouth Schools, Maine (2011)
Bellingham High School, Washington State (2010)
East Marshall High School and Waukee High School, Iowa (2009)
North Carolina (2008)