2019 Student Voices Finalists

The SETDA Student Voices Award honors an outstanding K-12 school or district that has leveraged technology to dramatically improve the educational experiences and achievement of their students. Winners receive the Elsie Brumback Scholarship, which allows the winner to bring a team of students and educators to attend the annual SETDA Leadership Summit and tour Washington DC. SETDA also profiles the winning school/district at the Summit through presentations delivered by their students on stage in front of state and national education leaders. Please take a moment to view the Previous Winners.

2019 Support

ATT LogoThank you to AT&T Aspire for underwriting the Student Voices 2018.AT&T invests in education and job training to create a skilled and diverse workforce that powers our country for the future. Technology is making it easier for everyone – regardless of age, gender, income or geography – to learn anytime, anywhere. Through the AT&T Aspire initiative, AT&T brings together the power of its network – its employees, its technology and organizations – to connect people to opportunities through education and job training. Since 2008, AT&T has committed $400 million to programs to help millions of students in all 50 states and around the world. Learn more at att.com/aspire.

2019 Finalists

  • Illinois. McHenry Elementary School District 15. In today’s ever-changing world, McHenry Elementary School District 15 educators are making sure students are well-prepared for college and careers even though their career choices are as yet undefined. McHenry grade-schoolers are being prepped for the jobs of tomorrow that will require creativity and discovery through hands-on innovative STEM and STEAM programming. District 15’s philosophy is defined as each learning experience is centered on the learner and evolves technologically as quickly as they do. We are providing our students with an educational opportunity that fosters engagement, interaction, and achievement through cutting-edge technology in a personalized learning approach. McHenry School District 15 provides students access to Innovation Centers, STEM Labs, STEAM Studios, Video Production Hubs, and Learning Media Centers that are absolutely stunning and truly eye-catching. These collaborative spaces offer sequential K-8 cross-curricular opportunities combining the goal to maintain and enrich the district’s core curriculum, allow innovation, and provide project-based exploration.  Program URL Program Video
  • Kentucky. The Learning Center (TLC), Fayette County Schools. The Learning Center’s wrap-around approach to individualize student needs is an innovative way to educate the most “at-risk” students in the Lexington KY public school system. While most “alternative” models rely heavily on computer-based credit recovery programs, TLC utilizes a very different approach. Each student is individually equipped with digital tools, an adult mentor and a host of on and off campus learning opportunities linked to career interests. Teachers focus on mentoring and mastery of academic and social/emotional skills needed to build self efficacy. TLC educates every “at risk” student as talented and gifted. One of the most unique aspects of TLC is eOS (employability operating system) an in-house developed digital program hosting wrap-around services. Using eOS teachers, counselors, therapists, parents and community partners measure, teach, reteach and communicate employable behaviors and expectations. This innovative wrap-around approach empowers every part of the learning community to utilize their unique skill sets to prepare students for life readiness. Pedagogy and collaboration between a seamless team of teachers working with students over the course of 4-5 years with formative partnerships with family and deep community partners sets TLC apart. Finally, the purposeful decision to be the first school ever to adopt a student technology leadership framework that is supported by Kentucky Department of Education. Program URL
  • Maine. RSU 84 / MSAD 14. At East Grand School, the culture and learning environments are highly student-centered and connected to the small, rural community. It has a strong and supportive superintendent and group of educator leaders that foster student leadership and student ownership of learning across the PK-12 school. The project-based learning curriculum aims to help students gain a sense of place, a sense of community, and a sense of self. The East Grand students wanted to immerse state leaders into their school community – to show how even in a rural/isolated area they have many opportunities (technology helps) and to show how a school can be created so that all students have voices that matter.  With the school’s project-based learning curriculum, which intentionally integrates technology, educators have seen students become more willing to take risks, be more persistent when challenged by learning, show empathy, encourage others more readily, and communicate more efficiently when working in groups. Program Video Program URL
  • Minnesota. Community School of Excellence. The Community School of Excellence (CSE) is home to the Asian Penguins, the school’s computer club. The students in the club learn to use, configure, and install Linux and other free, open source software. They apply that knowledge by refurbishing used computers. Many of these computers are used at school by other students for online learning and standardized assessments. However, most of these computers are given to families of needy students, helping to close the school’s digital divide and ensuring that all students have an opportunity to learn, both at school and at home. Kids in the club often become “go to” technology resources in their classes, with teachers coming to them seeking answers to tech issues they are having. The Asian Penguins are also known to become the tech experts in their homes, helping their parents and siblings with their computers. Their ability to troubleshoot on Linux translates into being able to troubleshoot on other platforms. CSE uses IXL. IXL is an online skills practice program for math and reading used at school by general, specialist, special education, and English Learner classes. IXL is used during the school day, in the after school program, and by students at home. It allows personalization and differentiated learning for students. While at school, students use classroom devices to work on IXL. However, many students have a need to complete activities in their homes but families could not afford computers. The Asian Penguins facilitate this learning by giving these students devices free of charge. For many families, these computers are the very first ones they have ever owned. Program Video  Program URL
  • New York. Mineola Middle School. At Mineola Middle School (MMS), it is a fundamental belief that students learn in different ways and it is the school’s responsibility to craft lessons and activities that allow each student an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in engaging ways. Curriculum is delivered through the use of multimedia based text sets, resources that appeal to different learning styles and technological platforms that allow for deliberate skills-based practice. Recently, via a STEM Competition, students designed a prototype of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Expansion Project In this way, differentiation affords all students an opportunity to access the content. Student choice is embedded when students apply their knowledge to curriculum-based projects. Having fully integrated technology into each classroom since 2010, teachers and administrators are committed to transforming student academic experiences through opportunities for creativity, critical thinking, communication of ideas and collaboration with peers. Teachers leverage instructional technologies to build upon student growth areas, enhance strengths and provide a personalized learning experience for each child according to curriculum content and standards. Program URL Video Sample 
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