Melissa Greene
SETDA Director of Strategic Partnerships
202-715-6636 ext. 703
[email protected]


SETDA Announces 2020 Cohort of Emerging Partners
Offering Wide Variety of K-12 Education Technology Solutions

June 19, 2019 (Washington, D.C.) – The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), today announced its seventh annual cohort of Emerging Private Sector Partners. “These partners will help our state leaders to understand the newest edtech innovations in ways that directly support our mission to improve education through technology policy and practice,” said Candice Dodson, Executive Director of SETDA, which represents U.S. State and Territorial digital learning leaders.

SETDA’s unique Emerging Partners Program is designed to foster opportunities for startups to be seen and heard by state and national digital learning leaders. Throughout the course of the year, this program creates intentional, in-person and virtual opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue regarding national or state trends in K-12 and higher education, as well as products and services that states and districts need.

“Technology is rapidly changing the K12 experience—upending the creation and delivery of content, assessment of students, and even where and when students learn. We’re thrilled to join the SETDA Emerging Partners program and collaborate with other education technology leaders who are similarly interested in scaling this change in a positive way,” said Nadine Levitt, founder and CEO of WURRLYedu. “At WURRLYedu, our mission is to ensure equity and access to a high-quality, highly-engaging, and effective music education program powered by the latest technologies, which is a natural fit for the SETDA program.”

The 2019-2020 SETDA StartUp Cohort members are:

These innovative education technology startups were selected through a competitive application process and will be introduced at the upcoming Emerging Technologies Leadership Forum held June 22-23, in Philadelphia, PA.

The following companies also were announced as part of the Emerging Partners Year 2 and Year 3 cohorts. Companies participating in this cohort must be older than five years, but offer a new innovation, product or solution to the edtech marketplace.

The SETDA Year 2 and Year 3 Emerging Partners are:
K12 Insight
Streamable Learning
UPD Consulting
Vital Insight
Wonder Workshop

All Emerging Partners will benefit from a full year of engagement with SETDA’s state leaders,  affiliates and annual partners.

“SETDA is in a league of its own in the world of public organizations that serve the K-12 Education market, and I am thrilled for 2gnoMe to partner with SETDA toward supporting educators at scale,” said Ilya Zeldin, 2gnoMe CEO. “We look forward to highlighting district-and state-level examples that empower teachers’ agency over their careers to increase teacher retention and improve student outcomes.”

Over the next year, the cohort of Emerging Partners will also have the opportunity to benefit from interactions with education industry experts like Academic Business Advisors, ARC Capital Development, C. Blohm & Associates, Forward Thinking EDU, AWS EdStart Program, The National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) and other companies/organizations who also partner with SETDA.

“SETDA places a high value on our strong private sector partnerships. We know that working together enables us to accomplish more than working alone and ultimately helps us to better meet the needs and wants of the education communities we serve,” Dodson said. “We work closely with our partners to shape the products and services coming to the K-12 market and with other associations and nonprofits who share mutual goals for transforming learning.

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The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), founded in 2001, is the national non-profit association representing the interests of U.S. state and territorial educational technology leadership. SETDA’s mission is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. For more information on our Private Sector Partners Program, visit:

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