SETDA in the News: November/December 2014
Below is a snapshot of some of the news stories referencing SETDA news and views during the last two months of 2014. Topics included everything from E-rate modernization to interoperability and privacy to the beginnings of the conversation about the educational technology legacy for the Obama Administration. During the month of December, SETDA also launched the Guide to Implementing Digital Learning, which is a free web-based resource designed to support school and district leaders as they work to ensure that investments in digital learning spark positive results.
- Education Week: President Obama’s Ed-Tech Record: Sizing Up Its Impact
- eSchool News: SETDA Launches Digital Learning Implementation Guide
- Education Week: A Guide for Superintendents Traveling the Education Superhighway
- Business Solutions: Publishers Pressured To Adopt Interoperability Standards For Digital Educational Content
- District Administration: Outlook on Technology: Safety at High Speed
- eSchool News: FCC Approves $1.5B E-rate Increase
- Education Week: Historic E-rate Vote Reaction: Applause, Relief, Excitement
- Education Week: Big Districts Pressure Publishers on Digital-Content Delivery
- Education Leaders Join Forces
- GA Lawmaker Wants Schools to go Digital by 2020
- Education Week: E-Rate Funding Would Rise Sharply Under FCC Plan
- eLearning Industry: The Bandwidth Schools Have and the Bandwidth They Need
- Education Week: ‘Net Neutrality’ Stirs Passions of Some Ed. Groups, Gets Silence From Others
- T.H.E. Journal: Indiana Students Honored for Digital Leadership Team
- SETDA Says: SETDA in 2014: Year in Review
- Press Release: Douglas Levin to Step Down as SETDA Executive Director
- Press Release: SETDA Launches The Guide to Implementing Digital Learning
- Press Release; SETDA Applauds New FCC Investments in School Broadband Capacity
- Press Release: National Organizations Applaud FCC Chairman Wheeler’s Announcement to Increase Funding for E-Rate
- Press Release: SETDA Honors Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado with Federal Policymaker Award
- Press Release: Laurence Cocco of New Jersey Honored as SETDA 2014 State Leader of the Year
- Press Release: Indiana Students Showcase Digital Leadership for National Education Leaders
For an up-to-date archive and chronicle of notable SETDA mentions online and in the press, be sure to visit the In the News section of our website. And, stay tuned! 2015 promises to be an exciting year for educational technology and SETDA alike.