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2020 Leadership Summit
The Leadership Summit brings state educational leaders together online for this unique professional learning opportunity. Leaders from more than 40 state departments of education, including leaders in educational technology, assessment, instructional materials and professional development, along with SETDA’s Private Sector Partners attend.
Virtual Learning Driving Questions That Will Help Develop your Plan
A list of guiding questions that can be customized to meet your district’s needs when planning for eLearning.
Essential Elements for eLearning
Essential Elements for eLearning is a free professional learning community that provides policy makers, school administrators and educator leaders a better understanding of policies and practices related to online learning, digital content, and eLearning days.
Framing the Evidence
Through the Framing the Evidence Program, SETDA intends to expertly advise, scaffold and support both schools and districts, as well as the ed tech companies that serve them, by democratizing the piloting process and providing a gold standard for the industry. In order to be valuable, piloting must be democratized….. professionally supported, high quality, evidence-based, […]
Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA Community
Professional Learning for Effective Practice: Leveraging Title IIA is a free professional learning community that supports the effective implementation of the federal Title IIA program. The goal of the community is to highlight program implementation best practices, share examples of evidence-based professional learning opportunities and exemplary professional learning programs at the state and district levels.
Professional Learning Practices Dashboard
The Professional Learning Practices Dashboard includes examples of professional learning to support digital learning, personalized learning, quality materials and leadership. The professional learning resources can be sorted by state, goal, delivery method and/or funding source.
Digital Badging Playbook
The playbook is designed to be a “roadmap” for individuals and entities who desire to implement their own system of digital badges and micro-credentials. The links within this playbook references common resources, organizations and examples of digital badging.
Digital Badges: Principles and Standards of Quality for Recognizing Learning
This resource is a brief summary of various related digital badge articles and could be used as a basis for developing basic standards and criteria for badge use.
The California Way
The California Way: The Golden State’s Quest to Build an Equitable and Excellent Education System discusses the new approach to education in the state that focuses on students developing 21st-century skills of critical thinking and problem-solving, among other issues. The educator preparation standards have been updated to provide teachers and principals with the skills needed […]
What’s the Difference Between Coaching and Mentoring?
This Education Week Teacher blog post clarifies the differences between the roles of a coach and a mentor.
Evidence-Based Interventions Under the ESSA
Information regarding evidence-based interventions as defined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments
Using, generating, and sharing evidence about effective strategies to support students gives stakeholders an important tool to accelerate student learning. ESEA emphasizes the use of evidence-based activities, strategies, and interventions (collectively referred to as “interventions”). This guidance is designed to help SEAs, LEAs, schools, educators, partner organizations and other stakeholders successfully choose and implement interventions […]
Supporting Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Through Practice-Based Coaching
By Patricia A. Snyder, PhD, Mary Louise Hemmeter, PhD, and Lise Fox, PhD Abstract In active implementation science frameworks, coaching has been described as an important competency “driver” to ensure evidence-based practices are implemented as intended. Empirical evidence also has identified coaching as a promising job- embedded professional development strategy to support implementation of quality […]
Professional Development Facilitator’s Guide Template
This Professional Development Facilitator’s Guide Template is designed to assist with the delivery of face-to- face professional development sessions about any online IRIS Module. The aim of such sessions is to further support educators’ and administrators’ implementation of the practice, strategy, or framework presented in those modules.
Reflective Practice in Teacher Education Programs at a HBCU
One of the major outcomes of the educational reform movement in the United States during the past decade has been the increased focus on the professional preparation of educators (Darling-Hammond, 1997). According to Sanders and Rivers, numerous studies indicate that educators make a significant difference in their students’ education (1996). In response to the incessant […]
Definition of Evidence-Based
Created by the Great Schools Partnership, the GLOSSARY OF EDUCATION REFORM is a comprehensive online resource that describes widely used school-improvement terms, concepts, and strategies for journalists, parents, and community members. A widely used adjective in education, evidence-based refers to any concept or strategy that is derived from or informed by objective evidence—most commonly, educational […]
Non-Regulatory Guidance for Title II, Part A: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading
Great teachers, principals, and other school leaders (collectively, educators) matter enormously to the learning and the lives of children. Yet, we have struggled as a nation to meaningfully support educators so they can help their students be prepared to succeed in college and careers. The Title II, Part A program is designed, among other things, […]
Effective Teacher Professional Development
Educators and policymakers are increasingly looking to teacher professional learning as an important strategy for supporting the complex skills students need to be prepared for further education and work in the 21st century. For students to develop mastery of challenging content, problem-solving, effective communication and collaboration, and self-direction, teachers must employ more sophisticated forms of […]
High-Quality Curricula and Team-Based Professional Learning: A Perfect Partnership for Equity
When all students experience high-quality teaching, they are more likely to learn. When all classrooms are filled with high-quality instructional materials, students are more likely to learn. Establishing these conditions for all learners will help close achievement gaps. Explore High-Quality Curricula and Team-Based Professional Learning: A Perfect Partnership for Equity for rationale, lessons from practitioners, […]
The movement to personalize learning is growing. What does this mean for students and educators, and how is it changing professional learning? This issue tackles how to build educators’ capacity for personalizing to students’ needs and how teachers can benefit from experiencing personalization themselves.
What is a badge?
This video explains how digital badges are used to recognize the learning that happens anywhere and share it in the places that matter.
Digital Badge Systems: The Promise and Potential
Digital Badge Systems offers several policy recommendations for introducing digital badge programs to a greater number of school districts. The report also recommends safeguards at the state level to ensure competency-based learning does not lead to at-risk students falling behind their peers and widening of achievement gaps.
Open Badges Infrastructure (OBI)
The Open Badges Infrastructure is a standard and a platform for issuing, storing, and sharing “micro-credentials,” recognition for skills and achievements that learners have completed.
Micro-Credentials: Empowering Lifelong Learners
This article highlights the potential for digital badges and teacher professional learning.
Digital Promise Micro-Credential Initiative
This initiative provides a competency-based approach to assessing teaching practices, uses expert and peer reviews to ensure a rigorous standard and creates a clearinghouse where teachers can share best practices.
A Guide to Understanding Student E-Portfolios: K-12 Digital Portfolio Programs for College and Career Readiness
K-12 schools around the globe are piloting e-portfolio programs that allow students to showcase work, apply real-world skills, and track learning outcomes as they prepare for college and a career. This guide focuses on student-owned e-portfolios in the K-12 setting however, the same principles can be applied to teacher portfolios. Its purpose is to provide […]
Top State-by-State Twitter Chats
This article provides an overview of statewide Twitter chats related to education technology.
Teachers Guide on Creating Personalized Learning Networks
This web page provides a general overview of PLNs and multiple resources for educators related to PLNs.