Image Cover: State Wi-Fi Leadership for Fostering Digital Learning Ready K-12 Schools: Extending the Broadband Imperative II

State Wi-Fi Leadership for Fostering Digital Learning Ready K-12 Schools

This paper explores the steps states are taking to address the wireless equity gaps that exist among their schools. Leaders from Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Utah outline the planning, policy, funding, and management approaches their state agencies and education technology leaders are adopting regarding Wi-Fi, and they share their recommendations for promoting and/or creating equitable access opportunities to high-quality Wi-Fi connectivity.

Case Studies 2012

SETDA published a series of case studies from 28 states to showcase examples of how ARRA EETT grant funds have impacted teaching and learning. SETDA collected data for the case studies through a variety of mechanisms, including a detailed survey of the participating Local Education Agencies (LEAs), personal interviews with grant managers and teachers, and reviews of state and local program evaluations. The case studies highlight powerful examples of innovations resulting from the federal state/local partnerships created by the EETT program. They illustrate what can happen when “seed money” in the form of federal grants is leveraged by states,local school districts, and individual schools. Teachers and students across the country continue to bene!t from these innovative programs as shown by higher formative and standardized test scores, increased technology literacy and technology integration, improved access to both digital curriculum resources and project-based learning initiatives,and increased student engagement.

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