Project Unicorn SEA Call to Action

SEA Interoperability Call to Action

Data is a powerful tool to empower educators, researchers, parents, schools, and students. At the core of interoperability is a focus on optimally informed instruction and a student-centered learning experience unlocked by insights that educators can glean from securely connecting student data. Educational landscapes are changing, approaches to instruction are evolving, and infrastructure is adapting to meet technological and instructional demands to advance student success.

Navigating the Digital Shift 2019: Equitable Opportunities for All Learners

Navigating the Digital Shift 2019

SETDA expands upon the recent State K12 Instructional Materials Leadership Trends Snapshot and the 2018 Navigating the Digital Shift report with a focus on the opportunity digital instructional materials provide to support personalized learning opportunities for all learners and considerations related to the essential conditions and professional learning opportunities to support digital learning. Stakeholders will learn about state level leadership

Logo: Transformative Digital Learning: A Guide to Implementation

Transformative Digital Learning: A Guide to Implementation

SETDA developed professional learning resources to help build state-level capacity for the transition to digital learning. The online tool includes a set of professional learning resources, known as facilitator guides to provide customized support and training and a set of stakeholder communication toolkits.

Cover for State Education Leadership Interoperability

Leveraging Data for Academic Excellence

This report examines the current data interoperability efforts in nine states: Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Throughout the report, states explore the successes and challenges in making interoperable solutions where data is seamlessly connected and readily available for use by decision makers, teachers, parents, and students. This report includes a set of use cases demonstrating how interoperability helps states and districts achieve student learning goals, as well as recommendations for states as they continue their work in this area.

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