Rhode Island eLearning Planning Guide
This document provides a comprehensive overview of how a district can plan for eLearning Days.
This document provides a comprehensive overview of how a district can plan for eLearning Days.
In 2015, the state of Illinois began an E-Learning Day Pilot. At that time, the Illinois State Board of Education gave three school districts (Leyden Community High School District 212, Community High School District 94, and Gurnee Elementary School District 56) permission to run up to five school days per year virtually when the districts would have otherwise been closed due to inclement weather or other reasons. Notably, those virtual E-Learning Days count as student attendance days and no emergency days need to be added to the end of the school year.
With the recent changes in Illinois associated with the Evidenced-Based Funding Formula and Competency-Based Learning, the Illinois State Board of Education has issued guidance on the new definition of an instructional day. With this additional flexibility, many districts have been reaching out to the three pilot districts with questions about how to run a successful virtual E-Learning Day. In order to help, Leyden would like to offer the following 10 Tips for successfully planning for and implementing an E-Learning Day in your district:
This is a short list of questions and considerations when planning to launch eLearning Days.
These schedules are meant to be templates that you could adopt as in or copy and modify to better suit the needs of your children, classroom or district.
Wondering how to make our e-learning day as meaningful as an in-class session? Check out twelve lesson ideas.
A virtual instructional day checklist developed by Rhode Island Department of Education.
e-Learning Days Middle/High School Teacher Checklist
The Minnesota Department of Education approved this e-Learning opportunity to use, if needed, for days missed due to inclement weather.
This is a district website with a variety of resources from an introductory video to planning tools for teachers.
Curated by Nicole Zumpano, from the Learning Technology Center (ltcillinois.org) this is a comprehensive planning document for districts to plan for school closures with resources for planning, implementation and communication.