The National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) at CAST provides technical assistance, coaching, and resources to increase the availability and use of accessible educational materials and technologies for learners with disabilities across the lifespan. This center provides three levels of technical assistance: (1) Universal technical assistance is available to everyone. You’ll find products and services that reach many. (2) Targeted technical assistance describes the Center’s strategic collaborations to address problems of practice in early childhood programs, families, higher education, and workforce development. (3)Intensive technical assistance describes the Center’s capacity building activities with a small cohort of states with the goal of scaling nationally.
Academic Business Advisors finds and grows companies that seek to make a difference in improving education. We do this by providing both broad and deep expertise in all aspects of the life cycle of the company through a comprehensive offering of consulting services.
Arc is a private equity and advisory firm that invests in and operates companies in the pre-K through post-secondary education marketplace. Our clients and investments include companies in their early stages up to those that have cleared the $10 to $15 million revenue mark. We help companies break through to the next level of organization growth and continue their success.
C. Blohm & Associates, Inc. (CB&A), is an integrated public relations firm specializing in visibility campaigns for the education and special needs industries. Since 1991 we’ve helped companies build brand awareness, manage their corporate reputation, increase customer engagement and loyalty, and boost company growth. We design customized communications campaigns to fit each client’s specific needs through a comprehensive portfolio of services in the areas of public relations leadership, visibility solutions, content marketing and social media strategy.
STEMscopes is a K-12 comprehensive online science curriculum program that provides hands-on inquiry activities, assessments, problem-based-learning, intervention tools, acceleration materials, and teacher support resources. Our program is 100% aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and meets the rigor and depth of both the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and high school End-of-Course (EOC) assessments. In addition, STEMscopes is developing a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curriculum to address science learning at a national level. STEMscopes: NGSS will be released in 2014.
ParentSquare makes parent involvement easy. The easy-to-use website streamlines communication, boosts participation and magnifies fundraising. ParentSquare boasts high participation by all adults at school and home – principal, teachers, PTO leaders, staff and parents. ParentSquare is affordable for your school and district and can even earn money for your school.
LoiLo inc. is Japanese company developing software and mobile applications, located in Yokohama, Japan. Specializing in high-speed image-processing, LoiLo looks to create a worldwide market for simple, fun interfaces to stimulate the creativity of the users. Our portfolio includes mainly video editing software, presentation and collaboration tools. These are Smooth, LoiLoScope, LoiLo Touch, LoiLo Education and LoiLoNote. LoiLoNote, an iPad app to be used as a multimedia presentation, collaboration and communication tool in a classroom setting, is our latest product. Intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces feature all of our products, what makes them perfectly fit for users of all ages, disregarding users` computer literacy. LoiLo inc. has been carrying out its business activities mainly in Japan, focusing primarily on the education market. Its products have been widely recognized and used by Japanese educators. Starting now, we would like to acquaintance students, teachers and technology specialists in the U.S. and Europe with our products.
LingleOnline is an innovative technology service for English language teachers and learners. Lingle uses current international news to dynamically create English learning materials. Teachers choose suitable articles based on keyword(s), level, topic, publication and/or linguistic feature. Then quickly create, edit and publish lessons. Teachers can assign activities and track progress.
Five-Star Technology Solutions is built on integrity, passion, and a firmly held belief that our teachers and children deserve the best educational opportunities available today. Our innovative products and solutions have been developed by Educators, for Educators with an understanding of the needs, aspirations, and goals of everyone involved in our educational system. Five-Star Technology Solutions works hand-in-hand with K-12 school districts to achieve measurable results. Our goal is simple – live up to the company name!
Chalkable is an app store for school and a platform to make our apps work. We get the worlds best web apps into the classroom via our app store, and seamlessly integrate them in a school with our LMS platform that syncs with the schools SIS.