Candice Dodson
Executive Director
202-715-6636 x700
[email protected]
SETDA Announces Director of Innovation and Design
January 6, 2020 (Washington D.C.) – Dr. Jason Bailey, of Newburgh, IN, has been named Director of Innovation and Design for the State Educational Technology Directors Association. SETDA is the principal association representing U.S. state and territorial educational technology leaders.
For the past seven years, Bailey has been the Senior eLearning Strategist for the Indiana Department of Education. He developed the Indiana Summer of eLearning conference series, designed and published the Indiana Tech Plan Survey, and authored Indiana’s educational cybersecurity initiative. He holds degrees from Ball State University and the University of Southern Indiana, and completed his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership at Indiana State University. Bailey was also one of the early recipients of CoSN’s Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) designation.
His honors include participation in various white papers, keynote speaking, publication in Educational Leadership, and ISTE’s Making IT Happen award. Bailey is a long-time SETDA state member and former Professional Learning committee chair.
“SETDA Executive Director Candice Dodson’s leadership and SETDA’s unmatched potential for national collaboration make this an organization poised to do amazing things,” Bailey said. “I am excited to join such a talented team in supporting state leaders focused on increasing powerful learning opportunities for students.”
“SETDA begins 2020 renewed, recommited and refocused on supporting the needs of our state members, affiliates and partners,” Dodson said. “As 2019 drew to a close, I worked with our board and staff on plans to build capacity for SETDA to meet new challenges, and develop new resources. The first step in that plan is the addition of a Director of Innovation and Design. Today, we are excited to welcome Dr. Jason Bailey to serve in this capacity.”
Founded in 2001, the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) is the principal non-profit membership association representing U.S. state and territorial educational technology leaders. Our mission is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. For more information, please visit