Instructional Coaching
State: AlaskaGoal: Personalized learning
Delivery: Coaching
Funding: Title IIA
Description: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District places high importance on coaching and mentoring early career teachers who are new to the district. The work begins immediately with a New Teacher Orientation before the first contract day for all new certified employees and each early career teacher is connected with an instructional coach to help guide them throughout the year. This initial orientation day is followed up by "Just In Time" training days throughout the year where the instructional coaches custom fit the training to the needs of the new teachers. Instructional coaches are trained on the Impact Cycle through Jim Knight's Instructional Coaching Group which allows coaches and new teachers to create a partnership role through the first few years of teaching.
URL: https://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/departments.aspx?id=48