Posts from category

  • Class of 2020: Action Plan for Education ~ 13 Years Flew By 

    June 29th, 2020 by

    It is difficult to believe that it has been 13 years since SETDA’s 2008 journey in developing and publishing the Class of 2020: Action Plan for Education. This project included a Student Bill of Rights and a series of white papers (below). At that time, the critical topics that bubbled to the top were broadband access, […]

  • New York’s Mineola Middle School Celebrates Student Voices

    February 10th, 2020 by

    This guest blog post was written by Mineola Middle School students Luke Martinez, Emma Powers, Joseph Parrino, Catherine Dinh, & Jordan Chaver. Mineola Middle School was awarded the chance of a lifetime when we got to present at this year’s SETDA Leadership Summit in Washington D.C., where we were honored to receive the 2019 SETDA Student Voice […]

  • East Grand: a Tiny School Doing Some Impressive Work

    January 31st, 2020 by

    This guest blog post was written by East Grand’s Middle School Teacher, Jill Plummer in collaboration with students and staff.  It would be an understatement to say that when our school, East Grand was recognized by SETDA as one of the five finalists for the 2019 Student Voices Award, our community was proud and excited. […]

  • Student Voices Finalists 2019

    June 13th, 2019 by

    Often when coordinating a focus group or presenting a new SETDA resources via a webinar, I mention the Why. Why do we spend the time to research and report on policies and practices? Why do leaders gather to collaborate on topics of interest? The Why always relays back to the students.  State department of education […]

  • Vermont Teachers Share Reflections from the Student Voices Experiences

    April 17th, 2019 by

    This is a guest post written by Grace Borst, Innovation Specialist at St. Albans City School, Vermont. St. Albans City School was the 2018 Student Voices Award winner.  November 4th was the first day of a unique and memorable experience for six students, two teachers, and one principal from St. Albans City School in Vermont. […]

  • Student Voices Finalists 2018

    June 11th, 2018 by

    Each year, I am more impressed with the quality of nominations brought forward for the SETDA Student Voices Award. Congratulations to all of the 2018 nominees! The Student Voices award honors an outstanding K-12 school or district that has leveraged technology to dramatically improve the educational experiences and achievement of their students. Winners receive the Elsie Brumback Scholarship, which […]

  • Student Voices Heard in Washington DC – Operation Bee “Abuzz”

    May 14th, 2018 by

    It is time for the 2018 SETDA’s Student Voice Award Nominations. SETDA Members have the opportunity to nominate a school or district for the change to win a trip to Washington, DC and participate in SETDA’s annual Leadership Summit. If you know of a fantastic school or district that is well deserving of this award for […]

  • Student Voices Reflections – Northfield Community Middle School

    March 16th, 2017 by

    During the 016 SETDA Leadership Summit, we had the priveldge of presenting during the Student Voices Luncheon. We were so thankful to have such a wonderful experience being the three young ambassadors from New Jersey Northfield Community Middle School going to Washington D.C, It was an incredible and a life changing experience!  The opportunity allowed us to […]

  • 2016 Finalists Announced: SETDA Student Voices Award

    June 15th, 2016 by

    Since 2008, SETDA has honored an outstanding K-12 school or district that has leveraged technology to dramatically improve the educational experiences and achievement of their students with the Student Voices Award. This tradition started based on SETDA members’ requests to hear details about digital learning in action directly from students and has continued to grow […]

  • New York takes Digital Learning Mobile

    June 2nd, 2015 by

    Another in an occasional series of guest posts, we are pleased to feature the work and voices of SETDA members. Today’s post comes from Stan Silverman, Director of Technology Based Learning Systems, New York Institute of Technology. Recently, the New York Institute of Technology, working with the New York State Teacher Centers, developed the STEAMed initiative. […]

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