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The Value of Public-Private Sector Partnerships

“When state leaders work in collaboration with the private sector, everyone has a voice and both sides walk away enriched, equipped with new strategies to create rich learning experiences for students through the use of digital resources.”

-Jayne Moore, SETDA Emeritus member, former Director of Instructional Technology and School Library Media, Maryland Department of Education

The mission of SETDA is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. Our vision is to lead, inspire, and empower the education community to leverage technology for learning. For over 12 years, SETDA has leveraged the opportunity for state leaders to connect with the private sector.

SETDA’s Strategic Plan highlights the value of partnerships with organizations that share our passion for digital learning including leading educational technology companies, associations, foundations and other private organizations. These crucial relationships provide the opportunity to effectively or efficiently accomplish our mission. Working together enables us to accomplish more than working alone and ultimately helps us to better meet the needs of the educational communities we serve. SETDA’s Board of Directors asserts SETDA’s unique role in leading the transformation of education through a focus on the dynamic interrelationship of effective federal, state, and local education and technology policies and practices.

thumb_IMG_5764_1024SETDA’s private sector partnership (PSP) program provides an unmatched public-private collaboration opportunity designed to foster significant engagement with state education leaders throughout the year. Our goal is to advance our mission through partnership with a diversity of companies that range from startups to established corporations representing the scope of the K-12 education market in terms of company size, budget, geographic scope and reach, longevity and mission. By design, this program creates intentional, in-person and virtual opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue regarding trends in the field as well as the opportunity to share information about products and services. The relationship is inherently valuable to both sides.

State members and our PSP value the opportunity to collaborate and learn from one another. “Being able to connect with corporate partners through SETDA has provided me with not only up-to-date information on trends and products to support my work, but in building true relationships with those partners that in turn have provided my state with the support and resources needed for leading and learning in this digital age,” shared Candice Dodson, Director of eLearning at the Indiana Department of Education

SETDA June 29 2015 309Members and partners have the same goal in mind, supporting innovation to transform learning and teaching. So much of the value we as members gain from SETDA revolves around our partnerships with each other and with our corporate partners. We have a chance to collaborate at a different level. These opportunities help us learn and grow professionally and have been the most important professional development I have engaged in during my career with the State of Washington,” stated David Walddon, SETDA Emeritus member, Senior Information Technology Policy and Management Consultant, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Washington State Agency.

SETDA’s Private Sector Partners are a tremendously beneficial and important part of our vibrant network, our vision our plan, and of our “family.” For more information about SETDA’s PSP, and to learn about the myriad of benefits that a partnership with SETDA offers, visit:

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