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Ensuring access to digital content

As schools, districts and states move to provide more digital content, how are states and districts ensuring there is access to content for all students?  What should they be doing?

Comments (5)

  • Table 6


    – providing direction / guidance to available resources
    – move to competancey based awarding of student credit
    – guidelines for online learning policy – seat time, blended vs virtual learning, text book purchasing – AUP / BYOD
    – number of one to one districts with complete switch from print to digital… Not just a PDF adoption state allow use of textbook money for digital texts
    – guidance re: policy & training – BYOD

  • Table 3


    > Common statewide library catalogs and databases
    > State repositories of curriculum materials
    > Modifications to regulations, legislation
    > Individual projects exploring OER and e- Textbooks

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    Who in the State Deparment should be part of the shift from print to digital? Everyone as this will modify the landscape of education. Curriculum, IT, Instructional Tech, etc. No one should be left out.

  • Steve Garton


    One state – Doing WebEx; assessment was after state-wide, 8th grade pilot to test proctoring, communication flows (data…) and to test the hardware to make sure it would be substantial. (64kbps/student) Assessment was flash-based (performance based), started with a 5 min. tutorial to guide the student through the testing process & procedures. Going to add a survey about tech use at the end of the test.
    Another state has e-books incorportated; Courses created by the teachers. Have videotaped teachers teaching lessons to show best practices for others to see it modeled. Rich in resources, but difficult to incorporate everything that is needed to get this (digital content)in motion. Needs to be made easy to find, effective to learning, and efficient to teacher planning. Teachers need to feel supported as well; fear of taking the risk and the connection being an issue; being evaluated and marked down when going for tenure. Principals also need to be trained in assessing tech integrated education.
    A third state – Text book money can now be used toward e-texts and digital content.
    Working on creating a middle ware to hook into the digital warehouses so districts can do on own, and the state can tap into to see and pull their own data from. State owns own content through contract partnerships and distributes it out to the districts.
    State #4 – develops own content. Have over 60,000 educational links and they share. Have many podcasts as well (linked to standards). When lesson plans are submitted, goes through review process to check grammar, standards…. use criteria checklist. Has to be 100%…it’s not a rubric; it’s either there (100%) or not. Opportunity is given to revise and resubmit. Have used grant money from federal programs and state grants to pay for the vetting process.
    Another state uses iTunes U; aligning academic content to standards. Creating state-sponsored repository to help get around the firewalls with iTunes U. Still not being used as much as would like, so dealing with those issues and working to get that out there and utilized.
    Would like to see SETDA help find ways to move beyond the “adult” (Teacher & School)issues/problems and get directly to helping the students prepare for their future in technology.

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    Scaling Up:
    > Professional Development for teachers and administrators
    > UDL
    > Federal Funding (we hope) moving to a national repository

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