2023 State EdTech Trends Report

The State EdTech Trends survey and report is the first attempt to track how state education agencies and policymakers are adapting to a digital world post-pandemic while also identifying state priorities relating to technology and education.

Adult Male on couch with laptop. Female on floor with laptop

How States Measure Digital Equity: Current and Proposed Benchmarks

From December 2020 through January 2021, SETDA and Dell Technologies designed and shared a survey to understand better the data that states have captured related to digital equity. Thirty-four (34) states and the territory of Guam responded. Questions on the survey focused on data collected during the 2020 – 21 school year by state education agencies (SEAs).

Learn more about how to collect and interpret digital equity data, by reading the findings of the SETDA and Dell Equitable Access Survey Report.

The Role of States in Supporting Data Modernization and Interoperability Throughout the Education Ecosystem

Data modernization and security practices allow educational leaders to provide accurate, secure, and timely data that can be securely exchanged, shared, and connected in order to provide instant understanding of school performance, student attendance, academic performance, or funding from multiple sources. This SETDA brief (July 2021) shares promising practices. from Wisconsin and North Dakota.

SETDA’s Emerging Trends Forum

SETDA’s annual Emerging Trends Forum (ET Forum) provides a venue for SETDA’s state members and private partners to engage in meaningful dialogue about topics of importance in digital learning across the nation.

2020 Leadership Summit

2020 Leadership Summit

The Leadership Summit brings state educational leaders together online for this unique professional learning opportunity. Leaders from more than 40 state departments of education, including leaders in educational technology, assessment, instructional materials and professional development, along with SETDA’s Private Sector Partners attend.

Man and a boy sitting at a table looking at a tablet

Inclusive Technology During the COVID-19 Crisis

Selecting and purchasing education technology (ed tech) products that are accessible to students with disabilities requires engaging a variety of stakeholders throughout the five-phase process described in our original guidance on procurement (June 2019).

During the rapid transition to distance learning in response to COVID-19, decisions were made quickly to keep staff and students safe and healthy, educate students remotely, and finish the school year amid the crisis. As planning for the next school year begins, leaders and educators can use this opportunity to make more strategic decisions about ed tech that are inclusive and designed to benefit all learners, including those with disabilities.

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