MOREnet (Missouri Research and Education Network)
MOREnet provides Internet connectivity, technical services, resources and support, as well as technical training to more than 700 of Missouri’s public sector entities, including K-12 schools, colleges and universities, public libraries, health care, government and other non-profit organizations.
Established in 1991, MOREnet operates as a separate business unit within the University of Missouri System, and is based in Columbia, Mo. The MOREnet network is the foundation infrastructure and members utilize our experts as well as interact with their constituents via data, video services and consortium sponsored events to strengthen and develop their individual technology plans and local missions.
Twenty-five years strong, our priority to the consortium remains to provide more than just a reliable connection – continuing our dedication to adapting to technology, managing budget constraints and utilizing resources responsibly. We exist because of our members and together we will be well equipped for the 21st century while staying on the cusp of advancing technology.