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State actions influencing the shift from print to digital content

What actions in your state have influenced the shift from print to digital content?  Was it a state repository of content?  District consortia purchasing online content? A change in the definition of textbooks?

Comments (7)

  • Table 6


    – asking districts to consider digital over print
    – BTOP grant allowing for creation of repository… e.g. Alg digital text
    – online resources like discovery education or online PD to expose teachers to digi content
    –, digital state libraries, digital shools, rdy2lead to train admins
    – awarding grants to LEAs to build repositories
    – showcasing what’s out there… PD sessions with options

  • Table 6


    – looking to adopt digital texts as SDE moves towards ditial charters and courses

  • SETDA Team #4 - States – AK, AL, OH, PA, MS, NJ, IA


    Statewide access to digital content at no costs to LEAs
    Enourage LEAs to hold purchaces of textbooks.
    Create state digital content taskforce
    Collaborate among states as we scale up. For example 25 teacher created lesson plans, best practices, digital learning objects per state aligned to common core. Could SETDA sponsor a portal for these resources – provide cappabilities for seaching such as Google metadata search?
    Need to consider vetting processes for content.

  • Tara Richerson


    News from Maine, Missouri, Utah, Massachusetts, Arizona, Vermont, and Washington:
    Maine has a new law to encourage the use of digital resources, as well as a budget line to support the use of online/OER resources. There is also an identified need to address digital literacy.
    There is a lot of variance across the states. Some, like Arizona, Vermont, and Utah, have statewide portals, but these are implemented differently, depending upon access to human and digital resources. There are continuing needs to help educators develop content to share, as well as help districts understand how to repurpose and broaden monies for textbook adoption for instructional materials.
    There is also a need for a consistent tagging and metadata system. That would really help states be able to share. Who should be at the table with SETDA for these discussions?

  • Table 5 WVa KS NY Ga


    Table 5 WVa KS NY GA
    Ga worked with SIS co’s to connect local Teachers with state level data thru SIS. Ga will continue to leverage SIS and other vendors for authentication pass thru for managing instructional resources to teacher desktops. Ga is a local adoption state. WVa is a state adoption state and found no social studies texts that met their requirements. State funds for textbooks ar now being leveraged for technology access. WVa has a a digital repository for digital content, and a Learn 21 website for teachers. NY a local adoption state, consolidated funding from textbook, hardware, software to a single instructional resource funding stream to districts To enhance their flexibility. How do we get ready for instruction and easily access resources related to common core? Assessment team really needs to be working in tandem with standards, curriculum and instruction team.
    Seta should recommend a definition of a highly effective teacher. Ga just passed a teacher certification for instructional technology. And an essential skill set defined for teacher prep programs. Teacher readiness for online assessment should be considered. Teacher prep/and recertification implications. Perhaps engage higher Ed in SETDA?
    GA is developing a state repository for content, NY has a state repository.
    In addition to rich dissuasion of assessment landscape we really need to have a discussion about true next generation assessment to ensure we do not waste time, money, and development. Part of the roadmap needs to include integration/instruction. Need to involve assessment experts who “get it”, such as Chris Dede and Jim Pelligrino in the discussion to ensure
    the assessment is what we want to drive the engaging 21st century instruction that we want for students.

  • jcoffey


    I have heard absolutely nothing in Utah. Where can I look up information like this? I am a college student, and my wife is a second grade teacher. We both like the idea of incorporating more digital into education.

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