Posts from category

  • ConnectED – Back to School Update

    September 14th, 2015 by

      ConnectED’s focus of fostering a robust ecosystem for digital learning and empowering teachers and their students with enhanced personalized learning experiences is a goal long championed by SETDA. Launched in June 2013, President Obama unveiled the ConnectED initiative to “enrich K-12 education for every student in America.” Then in February 2014, the President announced more than $750 […]

  • SETDA in 2014: Year in Review

    December 18th, 2014 by

    As the calendar year draws to a close and we take time to celebrate family and the holiday season, all of us at SETDA want to wish you a happy, healthy, and productive new year. Over the course of 2014, SETDA worked with you to identify and shed light on emerging issues, share best practices […]

  • SETDA in the News: October 2014 Round Up

    November 18th, 2014 by

    October was a particularly busy month for SETDA as we hosted our annual Leadership Summit and Education Forum from the 26th-29th in the Washington, DC area. Our annual Leadership Summit is a unique event designed by and for state and national education leaders, focused on the full range of policies and practices necessary to advance […]

  • SETDA in the News: September 2014 Round Up

    October 10th, 2014 by

    September is always a busy month filled with the excitement of a new school year for students, teachers and parents alike. As another school years kicks off, this is a great opportunity to reflect the newness that surrounds us. This September was particularly exciting because many schools had (and still have) the opportunity to increase […]

  • ConnectED Back-to-School Webinar Recap

    September 22nd, 2014 by

    On September 11, 2014, SETDA hosted a ConnectED Back-to-School Webinar as a follow up to SETDA’s ConnectED Private Sector Showcase in June. During the webinar, Richard Culatta, Director, Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education provided an introduction to the ConnectED program and the companies that have committed $2 billion in educational technology resources […]

  • SETDA in the News: July 2014 Round Up

    August 13th, 2014 by

    The headline stories for the month of July 2014 predominantly center on e-Rate modernization – and appropriately so. On July 11, 2014 after the FCC Commissioners voted to take the first step to modernizing the e-Rate, Doug Levin, SETDA’s Executive Director issued the following statement: “With today’s vote, the FCC has taken a critical step […]

  • Assessing Claims of ConnectED Progress in ‘Year of Action’

    July 13th, 2014 by

    In his 2014 State of the Union, President Obama said that 2014 would be a “year of action” to ensure opportunity for all Americans. On July 10, the White House released an update on progress toward that pledge, including on the Administration’s ConnectED initiative. Here’s the relevant page from the report published by the White […]

  • Voices in Support of E-Rate Modernization

    July 8th, 2014 by

    Friday is a big day that will shape digital learning opportunities in schools and classrooms for years to come. The FCC will consider a Report and Order (R&O) that would advance E-rate modernization by expanding support for Wi-Fi connectivity in schools and libraries. If the R&O is adopted by a majority vote in something similar […]

  • SETDA in the News: June 2014 Roundup

    July 1st, 2014 by

    The headline stories of the month of June 2014 center around President Obama’s ConnectED initiative, which is appropriate as the initiative is marking its one year anniversary. Forward momentum continues for E-rate modernization with our encouragement –  and SETDA stepped forward to highlight the first-ever showcase of the $2 billion in donated school technology products […]

  • SETDA Applauds Momentum at FCC in Advancing E-Rate Modernization

    June 20th, 2014 by

    The following statement can be attributed to State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) executive director Douglas Levin on the announcement today that the FCC will be taking up an e-Rate Modernization order at its July 11 meeting: “In June 2013, President Obama called for connecting 99 percent of America’s students – at speeds of no […]

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